I’m stepping into my own Vision Quest over the weekend. It will not be possible to reach me during that time. It is a time that is largely spent in nature to only go inward and to respect one’s own space. πŸ™

Vision Quest’s have been performed in various ways by many different indigenous people around the world, as a sacred rite and ceremony. The purpose can be, among other things:

Receive visions and sacred knowledge
Work with spiritual guides
Gain inner strength and courage
Get clarity on various life questions
See direction in goals and purposes

During an original version of a Vision Quest, you often refrain from food and water. But I will both drink water, herbal teas and eat small light meals. In some traditions, hallucinogenic plants are also used. I have never done that, and never will. Through own inner work, no other stimulation is needed. The development takes place at the pace you are ready for, and for which you yourself take responsibility.

With patience and presence, the now is appreciated. By turning inward, one finds the gift and understanding in both possible blockages, how they can be resolved, and in the questions and answers that arise within, with the help of the spirit world, mother Earth, animals, and the cosmic spiritual guides.

I’ll tell you more next week. Wish you a nice weekend. ✨️ Lis Sunoya


Hi dear friends! β™₯ What a flying start the new year has taken, right? I thought I might share what I feel from a soul level about the situation in the world right now with help of my clairvoyance.

It is a time that is being characterized by expansion on all levels. When expansion happens, much space is being created and freeing the old, making whatever needs to come up to the surface, that has not been faced before, will do so now. Therefore you can see many fears in the world and people may react from a root level. The reason for that can be many. Partly unprocessed feelings that are being lifted up to the surface to be able to heal properly. Perhaps the letting go of an ego-driven lifestyle. Maybe the fact that not everyone has actually been here on earth so properly with the soul integrated in their human life, the one you have once chosen with your consciousness to experience. Whatever the reason for all this, the people of the world are now being shaken to fully wake up from their illusions, their denials and to fully step into the power of the soul and its new time age. It is from love and light that the humans will live and work in the new future, not from a fear-based reality, with its patterns and thoughts. It is a process that will be going on in different phases, and one of them we are seeing now. β™₯

In all times improvement is able to happen after crises, as it will now. And in this case, the crises are supposed to wake us up to fully step into honesty with ourselves. Into abundance of free energy. To let our inner emotional space of love and compassion grow and let other solutions in on how to live on earth come forward. All from an integrated soul. If you haven’t been in this honest state with yourself fully earlier, it is time to be present in that now. You have chosen this life to experience, develop, and live your purpose. Everything that is taking you away from all that are different kinds of denials or fears. β™₯

You can be present by wanting to look at yourself, your patterns and life with more open eyes. You are present when you listen to your inner voice, follow that and trust what you are feeling. You get to know yourself very deeply by listening to the right source, and stop putting temporary band-aid on your wounds. Instead you nurish them lovingly til they have healed and you feel new inspiration pour into your life!

Practically it is a perfect time now to set aside time for meditation, using freeing breathing techniques and dance, and to exercise in an easy way with the purpose to let go of inner tensions, worry, but at the same time let more joy come forward. It is time to really embrace the happiness and freedom within you. How can I talk about this during an experienced crisis like we can see in the world today? Well, because we are going through a big energy shift that will raise the frequency on earth, and among the people and animals. And you can make all this easier for yourself and others by embracing the feeling that this is going to be easy, feeling flowing and healing for you. What better way, than stimulate to more joy and liberation of heavy feelings within you? β™₯

Also, try to keep the focus on what You need to do for Your inner self, and don’t judge others for how they reacts, feel and express their feelings of for example anger and frustration. It is unstable right now, because of what needs cleansing and understanding. The best thing you can do is to raise the perspective on the circumstances, be conscious, feel the purpose, and practice on both having faith to yourself, to life, and other people’s processes. Even selfish actions from others that can make you want to think in a certain way, will eventually be put out of play of this huge transformation. Have faith and rest in your fantastic soul power and inner light! Trust what you are feeling when you are in contact with your inner being and the soul. That is where the truthful heart is. β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

// Lis Sunoya


Hi lovely friends β™₯ I hope all is well with you out there and that you have faith in what is happening now. We are in the middle of a global awakening for the whole of humanity, which will lead to higher frequencies, a changed society structure and building of something new that is so much better and brighter. Have faith! Everything leads to something good. Here is a reminder and poem about being in the feeling of love instead of fear. Be well! β™₯


I am speaking to you. Me, The Love, which floats through all of your existence. Like the blood in your veins. Sometimes you don’t feel me, hear me, or see me. It is nobody’s fault. The Love, invisible or visible, can never be wrong. I just am. Even when you are afraid I am there, and trying to expand over and under what you are feeling. To embrace you in my warm safe arms, until you are breathing calmly again. It is when you relax as I fill you up, as a whole. It is then you feel me, hear me, understand me. I only want you well. So well, so well. Like nothing else. β™₯

I am The Love. I am the one who rises in courage, when you wilt. I am the one who allows when you are hindering. I am the one who spread joy when you are being weighed down. Where I exist there is only a flow of light and overflow of energy. Where I live endless of possibilities opens up. Where I live no seeking is needed. I am always, in you. My words whisper to open eyes and open hearts. But even if they are closed, I am there tirelessly to remind. My words also awakens passion, fire, and decisiveness. My words are endless, just like you. In an eternal dance, I breathe through you, that is why you live. My presence awakes you when you are asleep. My presence encourages you to dare and let the adventure lead you. β™₯

Sometimes it can seem like I hurt others, but that is an impossibility. Other things hurt, but I love, never hurt, I just love. Over and over again. Free from sorrow. Free as the wind. Through me, you can hear your inner being and your core. Through me, you can understand your world around you and forgive without guilt. You can understand why my opposite, fear, becomes helpless. My power understands. My energy overcomes, heals, educates. It is infinitely easy to be in me. So I say, me who knows me. It is in the fear it is hard to live, not in me. Se the bright, see The Love, see me in all your life. Embrace me as I embrace you. Together we are unbeatable winners of life. A life that allows transformation and who are happy to participate. Don’t hide me or forget me. I am the flame you are living of. β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

By: Liselotte Johansson / Lis Sunoya

Fullmoon visions opens your life

Lightness at the sea.

Hi dear readers. I was at the seashore close to VΓ€stervik yesterday. And as light as I feel from all the new energies going on in my life, I also feel so much joy over what happens in a broader perspective in our world. How amazing it is that You are here right now to be part of this, present and engaging in your way. I truly feel an increasing sense of community and co-creating energy over the planet as we fully step into a new era. During this fullmoon and the rest of August, we can also see things much clearer than usual. Take notice of the inner visions that are piling up in your inner world, talking about a future that will open up your own life. In these visions, you are asked to expand your mind and allow your intuition to guide you. There are no safe grounds doing so, I know, and it can feel a bit scary to let loose. Is it only my thoughts or daydreams? But to allow these visions to come forward is necessary to step into the new lighter you. Your life is about to step up to what your path has been all about all along. It’s not that you haven’t already been on your unique path, it’s just that you now have the chance to let these new light frequencies boost your visions and the gifts you have and let it all be one. The universe is gently but firmly giving you a positive push or a good release for you to be able to step into your visions regarding your future – to let them exist now. Later is not your heart desires at the moment. Your heart has been cultivating and pondering already. Now it’s time to let it out. Speak from your heart. Let your burden go. Let the love in. Let yourself be part of the worlds co-creating abundant love and light. β™₯

Take some time to meditate or just sit in peace with yourself. Feel love in your heart and let it expand in your whole body and out to your surrounding. Be present in this feeling and be aware of the present. Let your inner visions arise to the surface. New or old ones, that you perhaps haven’t listened to yet. Now is the time to let yourself be guided by them. Yes, they are true. They are there for a reason. Trust them and the hand of the universe will reach out to you. β™₯ // Liselotte

For you who would like to change your life

Flowers from my walk, growing above a stone wall in southern France.

Imagine yourself 1, 5 or 10 years from now. Or maybe even 20 years from now. What are you doing then? How are you feeling? What people do you have around you? How do you live? What would you like to experience in your inner and outer life? Can you see that you are making the choices and take the actions you need to get to that place your inner visions show you? Your future, despite the one in 1 or 10 years, always starts to be created in the present.

In the Swedish forest…

Did you know that your imagination and fantasy is a portal to your intuition? It is not the same, but still, it’s one way to open up to your intuition if you are not used to listening to it. Imagination allows you to play, dream, break barriers within you and let loose! And that is the door you should knock on to enter the contact with your intuition.

To get in touch with your intuition and ability to get a vision, you need to be in a state of “no expectations” and where you let go of control. In a calm neutral state in your mind and emotions. When you try to imagine yourself in 5 years from now, try to feel that you are neutral to what comes to mind or what you feel, like in an objective contemplation of yourself and your life, even to what you feel, and then let your senses be free! Dare to feel, see, dream, be open-minded. Open the doors. Let anything be possible. You will in that position let your soul in to have its voice.

Then you can go into detail… When you got your visions, your goals, or whatever you feel strongly about. Then you can start making changes and choices towards that. Then you can be part of the creation of your own life and soul purpose. Visions of this kind, are in cooperation with your higher self, not your ego, and function as guidelines through life. Listen to them! β™₯ / Liselotte

5 ways to feel more happiness

Hi wonderful people of the world! There are so many ways in life to increase your level of feeling more content, harmony, balance or happiness. Our natural state Is love, happiness, peacefulness. It is nothing you need to search for in that sense that it is something outside yourself. That frequency is coming from within, from your soul and that inner light that you have access to. The more you help yourself to remember this, and heal or release your patterns, energies from experiences of lower vibrations, emotional wounds and so on, the more you naturally fall into that lighter state of happiness! And when you do, make sure to notice it. To enhance it. To bathe in it! Transform your human brain to respond to it. Make so many new inner healthy connections as possible so your whole being continues to realize that this flow of energy is a part of YOU. β™₯

So, here it is. 5 ways to help you experience more HAPPINESS!

1MEDITATE one time per day. It doesn’t have to be long, but at least 15 minutes. Imagine how happy your higher self and soul get if you spend time to reflect, meet your self within, and rest in calm and silence. From here you can hear your own inner voice so much easier and you can guide yourself forward to good choices in life. Meditation makes you access your natural state of your soul.

2 – Practice on feeling ACCEPTANCE in everyday life. Many little things that occur in our life that upset or disturb us, are usually not dramatic things that in the long run matter for the bigger picture. Accept things that has to do with other peoples personal journey. Accept more of what you can’t change in the now. Accept yourself, with all your beautiful “imperfections”. Acceptance opens you up to feel more love, you learn to let go of the stress of control, and makes you feel more balanced.

3 – One time per day – think of what make you feel GRATITUDE. In life, we tend to strive forward a lot, and forget what we already have. Write down what you feel thankful for, or say it out loud so you can hear it. Thankfulness makes you aware of good things in your life, and starts a positive effect that continues. It makes you feel more compassion towards others, which open up your heart to receive more to be thankful for. You will also be so much more aware of the possibilities around you when your perspectives shifts.

4 – Make sure to find out what makes you feel JOY in this life! All the little things that make you smile, laugh, feel harmony, deeper happiness or peace within. You are allowed to have fun in life! Have you forgotten what makes you feel joy? Or have the source of joy and fulfillment changed as you have developed? Think about this and what you would like to experience regularly every day, week, month and year. From small things to larger. Joy creates more joy, that reminds you of your natural state of happiness, light and love and will help you exeperience more of that.

5PEEL OFF! If things, people or situations don’t feel right for you, it probably isn’t. Have faith in what you feel and make sure you choose from your heart what is good for you. To constantly choose draining things in life will take you further away from feeling happy. Be true to who you are, and value your own unique self. You are not here to fit in, in a sense that makes you someone else. You are here to shine your true self in your light! To peel off makes you feel lighter within, not so burdensome or worried. It sets you free! β™₯