Fullmoon visions opens your life

Lightness at the sea.

Hi dear readers. I was at the seashore close to Västervik yesterday. And as light as I feel from all the new energies going on in my life, I also feel so much joy over what happens in a broader perspective in our world. How amazing it is that You are here right now to be part of this, present and engaging in your way. I truly feel an increasing sense of community and co-creating energy over the planet as we fully step into a new era. During this fullmoon and the rest of August, we can also see things much clearer than usual. Take notice of the inner visions that are piling up in your inner world, talking about a future that will open up your own life. In these visions, you are asked to expand your mind and allow your intuition to guide you. There are no safe grounds doing so, I know, and it can feel a bit scary to let loose. Is it only my thoughts or daydreams? But to allow these visions to come forward is necessary to step into the new lighter you. Your life is about to step up to what your path has been all about all along. It’s not that you haven’t already been on your unique path, it’s just that you now have the chance to let these new light frequencies boost your visions and the gifts you have and let it all be one. The universe is gently but firmly giving you a positive push or a good release for you to be able to step into your visions regarding your future – to let them exist now. Later is not your heart desires at the moment. Your heart has been cultivating and pondering already. Now it’s time to let it out. Speak from your heart. Let your burden go. Let the love in. Let yourself be part of the worlds co-creating abundant love and light. ♥

Take some time to meditate or just sit in peace with yourself. Feel love in your heart and let it expand in your whole body and out to your surrounding. Be present in this feeling and be aware of the present. Let your inner visions arise to the surface. New or old ones, that you perhaps haven’t listened to yet. Now is the time to let yourself be guided by them. Yes, they are true. They are there for a reason. Trust them and the hand of the universe will reach out to you. ♥ // Liselotte

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