A new world is developing gradually, which will change a lot for all of us and our coming generations. The Earth is being purified and restructured right now to be able to make room for higher frequencies and new ways of living.

The great transformation that it entails is calling upon us now, to begin choosing life from a higher frequency and an expanded consciousness. We will be led into the new era by the voice of the soul and the higher heart and its ability to live in peace with each other with care for our wholeness, and in more joy, freedom, development, love, soul power, and wisdom.

Do you feel the inner calling or the longing to be stronger from within and out? To heal, get the insights you need in life right now, become free, change an area where you have felt stuck, and make room for a better future on Earth?

If so, this Coaching is for you.





This coaching is for you who want to solve profound questions in life or who want to review life in general to bring your wholeness together, achieve balance and change life long-term. The coaching takes place regularly and provides a fantastic opportunity for development on all levels.

The intuitive guidance provides quality results

The arrangement will be unique and individually adapted depending on what exactly you need, which is something I feel intuitively and also discuss with you after we get in touch and you tell me what you want help with. But in general, it can look like this:

We go through step by step the area/areas that you want help with. I tune in intuitively, we talk, find underlying causes and you get advice for success, insight, healing etc. All the time from an intuitive and soulful level to integrate new perspectives and ways to live in your everyday life. Everything is always being conducted in cooperation and coordination with you.

Between each session, you get time to work on your own with what is relevant from the advice or exercises you received.

I am a Holistic Therapist, Soul Coach, Healer, Clairvoyant and Clairaudient – and I use all my experience and knowledge combined with the intuitive guidance you receive every time. For me, it is important that you feel safe during our session and that we can meet with open hearts. I intend to help you move forward positively regardless of your life circumstances.

Areas that may be relevant and examples:

The general life situation – attend to thoughts, feelings, actions, deeper contact within, and what you can do to start or enhance a change.

Relations – attend to how your relations affect you, if you are true to yourself and your closest family/friends/partner, boundaries, respectfulness, communication, to open the heart energy more/dare to love/give/receive, to be in contact with the body and soul, sexual blockages/flow, to feel when something isn’t good in a relation and what to do, direction with the soul, foundation values to follow, break destructive patterns, open up to meet a life partner.

Work/Financial Flow/Purpose of Life – to find balance in work-life or what to do next, feel and know your purpose with the projects/the work/mission you are doing or wish to have, is there meaningfulness or why not, relations with co-workers, financial difficulties you wish to solve and what energetically has caused them, structure and planning together with your soul purpose, to live in greater flow aligned with your soul purpose.

Health – attend to what energetically needs to be balanced in your body, energy field, mind, emotions, and soul for good health, advice on different therapy body treatments, healing of emotional blockages, insight and advice about traumas, parallel life experiences, meditation advice and support, stress management, increased contact within, mother earth’s healing power, earthing, chakras, contact with nature.

Personal development together with the soul – to participate and live together with the power of the soul and your inner voice. Self-confidence and self-compassion. Understand the bigger picture and perspectives in both small and larger events in life, learn to listen within more, what hinders you from living in happiness with yourself, to rediscover the soul’s natural energy like happiness, love, ease, and overflowing energy. Know who you are and integrate that energy in life, intuitive development.

Five-dimensional exercises – intuitive support and individual practices to help you on the transition to higher consciousness and vibration, and new higher frequencies, to face challenges in a frequency increase/change, integration into everyday life with the new energy.

Why should you choose this type of intuitive soul coaching?

Deeply personal and intuitively tailored – Unlike traditional coaching, we go beyond the outer layers and work more on a spiritual level, so that your everyday life will have increased quality in the long term. Through intuitive guidance in the area/areas you want help with, you will receive insights and tools that are specifically tailored to your unique energy, life path, and situation.

Inner healing and life-changing clarity – By identifying causes and dissolving blockages that we may not always see, you can create a deep transformation in your life, which will be sustainable. This also leads to greater self-awareness, emotional freedom, and a stronger connection to your true path.

Harmony between soul and everyday life – You learn to listen more to your inner voice and integrate your soul’s wisdom into your daily life. Whether you are seeking more balance, meaning, or guidance in a specific situation, this coaching will help you live in flow with your higher self.



All sessions last one hour and are conducted via Zoom or Skype. We decide together how long the time between each session should be, and what dates/times suit.

Let your heart guide you to the right choice for you.

A focused intuitive coaching journey for you who want support, advice and inspiration to take the next step in your personal and spiritual development.

Each session also provides the opportunity to address newly emerging questions and situations from your everyday life for direct guidance.

Three sessions are included for 3100 SEK.

Click here for a currency converter.

A deeper guidance and portal to develop together with the heart and your inner voice, make new life choices, and open up more of your inner power, dissolve patterns and limitations, and strengthen your soul connection for a brighter and more meaningful life path. Each session also provides the opportunity to address newly emerging questions and situations from your everyday life for direct guidance.

Five sessions are included for 4955 SEK.

Click here for a currency converter.

A powerful and deeply transformative journey where you receive guidance, and more individually tailored tools to integrate your soul’s wisdom and power into everyday life. This program gives you support for long-term positive change, achieving deep inner healing and understanding, vision integration, help to create a new life and a stronger connection with your authentic self. Each session also provides the opportunity to bring up new questions and situations from your everyday life for direct guidance.

Ten sessions are included for 9970 SEK.

Click here for a currency converter.

After choosing a package, contact Liselotte by email to book your first Golden Heart session! If you would like to talk with Liselotte before booking a package – please state this in your message.

A warm welcome!

Advance payment of the entire package is made at the time of booking through PayPal: https://paypal.me/SunoyaVisions


(Note: Refunds will not be given if you choose not to complete all sessions within a package.)


Does it work at a distance? The sessions are being conducted over Skype, Zoom where we both can see and speak to each other freely. If you wonder how this may affect my intuitive work, I can put your mind at ease! For me as intuitive guidance, it’s just as valuable and strong as when it’s done during a personal meeting, and none of my abilities function differently at a distance. Time and space do not exist, and for me, you can sit on the other side of the earth if you like – and I will tune into you and your life just as well. /Lis