
Don’t take it to serious

Hi dear readers! I met this cat a while ago, and could not help thinking about cats cool attitude. Like: “here I am, and I only come to you if I want. I can see right through you. I know if you are a good person or not. I love my freedom to choose, and have the ability to say no. My curiosity is why my life is an adventure, every day. My senses are so good, that this world I am living in, makes me choose things you don’t always understand. That’s okay. We are cool, if we respect each other.”

To let your life be an adventure and appreciate the freedom of choice more. Isn’t that amazing? Are we sometimes taking this spiritual pathway to serious? I think so… I think we try to hard sometimes, to achieve things, evolve, think right, be right, only feel good things – while we build up expectations of our selves. When I do meditations, I focus a lot on acceptance, instead of solving “problems” within. With acceptance comes LOVE, and with that comes healing and ease. Things evolve, and comes to insight through an allowance… And what about joy. It often is held back because of serious matters of life or that we make tiny things big. What if we are more allowing towards ourselves and others, and let go a bit more about the small things in life that we might tend to make big? Take one thing at the time, and enjoy ourselves more – while we live? I promise you, we are evolving, since we are alive, and we can choose how we experience this journey on earth. Are we going to be a cool cat, or have a life full of fences? ♥ Take care, and keep shining! ☺

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