5 ways to feel more happiness

Hi wonderful people of the world! There are so many ways in life to increase your level of feeling more content, harmony, balance or happiness. Our natural state Is love, happiness, peacefulness. It is nothing you need to search for in that sense that it is something outside yourself. That frequency is coming from within, from your soul and that inner light that you have access to. The more you help yourself to remember this, and heal or release your patterns, energies from experiences of lower vibrations, emotional wounds and so on, the more you naturally fall into that lighter state of happiness! And when you do, make sure to notice it. To enhance it. To bathe in it! Transform your human brain to respond to it. Make so many new inner healthy connections as possible so your whole being continues to realize that this flow of energy is a part of YOU. β₯

So, here it is. 5 ways to help you
1 – MEDITATE one time per day. It doesn’t have to be long, but at least 15 minutes. Imagine how happy your higher self and soul get if you spend
2 – Practice on feeling ACCEPTANCE in everyday life. Many little things that occur in our life that upset or disturb us, are usually not dramatic things that in the long run matter for the bigger picture. Accept things that has to do with other peoples personal journey. Accept more of what you can’t change in the now. Accept yourself, with all your beautiful “imperfections”. Acceptance opens you up to feel more love, you learn to let go of the stress of control, and makes you feel more balanced.
3 – One time per day – think of what
4 – Make sure to find out what makes you feel JOY in this life! All the little things that make you smile, laugh, feel harmony, deeper happiness or peace within. You are allowed to have fun in life! Have you forgotten what makes you feel joy? Or have the source of joy and fulfillment changed as you have developed? Think about this and what you would like to experience regularly every day, week, month and year. From small things to larger. Joy creates more joy, that reminds you of your natural state of happiness, light
5 – PEEL OFF! If things, people or situations don’t feel right for you, it probably isn’t. Have faith in what you feel and make sure you choose from your heart what is good for you. To constantly choose draining things in life will take you further away from feeling happy. Be true to who you are, and value your own unique self. You are not here to fit in, in a sense that makes you someone else. You are here to shine your true self in your light! To peel off makes you feel lighter within, not so burdensome or worried. It sets you free! β₯