Poem: Wolf-Mother

Veins filled with a survival blood

Photo credit: David Tipling


You strong one, fighting for everyone and feeding the hungry. Take me to your river and let me drink the water next to you. Let me see the mirror of strength. Let me follow your path through the deep forests with no fears. You, who are alive to thrive, you see far over the broad landscape, through the dust of the earth and the clouds that are bowing over the tip of your favorite mountain. In your sky you also see the sun and moon dancing with each other, not being separate, and also equally strong. This farsightedness let you discover what exists beyond what is going on, and into a book that is revealing itself page by page.

Wolf-Mother, the one with veins filled with survival blood. With a love for those who dare to walk with you, side by side, in their own mission. You roar if anyone crosses your boundaries, or try to make you weaker than you are. I see that colorful wind you are made of. It shapes your choices. The way you look at things. It may seem like no one are so adaptable as you. But that is a part of you being a shapeshifter, transforming as you go. You know every tree, every field, every fire, every lake – and navigate from this life path, from earth gifts, and from the stars. You let them shine in your eye-sight, while finding life force and earthly nutrition. It’s a wild combination, for a wild mother.

The instinct is your drive that pushes you forward. When the autumn leaves now are falling to the ground, you are making room for the new fresh air to activate your senses. The soul urges you to get to know even one more valley, one more meadow, one more cave, or one more river. Wolf-Mother. How can this be so natural for you by know? You are doing it within life itself, not as an extraordinary story.

The farsightedness and instincts are almost ahead of you sometimes though. That can make you feel tired, knowing that you still have to walk the road to get there. But you have learned the gift of feeling satisfied, of not feeling hungry anymore, and to just be in the knowing of a Wolf-Mothers heart. ♥

// Liselotte Sunoya Johansson

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