Hi lovely friends ♥ I hope all is well with you out there and that you have faith in what is happening now. We are in the middle of a global awakening for the whole of humanity, which will lead to higher frequencies, a changed society structure and building of something new that is so much better and brighter. Have faith! Everything leads to something good. Here is a reminder and poem about being in the feeling of love instead of fear. Be well! ♥


I am speaking to you. Me, The Love, which floats through all of your existence. Like the blood in your veins. Sometimes you don’t feel me, hear me, or see me. It is nobody’s fault. The Love, invisible or visible, can never be wrong. I just am. Even when you are afraid I am there, and trying to expand over and under what you are feeling. To embrace you in my warm safe arms, until you are breathing calmly again. It is when you relax as I fill you up, as a whole. It is then you feel me, hear me, understand me. I only want you well. So well, so well. Like nothing else. ♥

I am The Love. I am the one who rises in courage, when you wilt. I am the one who allows when you are hindering. I am the one who spread joy when you are being weighed down. Where I exist there is only a flow of light and overflow of energy. Where I live endless of possibilities opens up. Where I live no seeking is needed. I am always, in you. My words whisper to open eyes and open hearts. But even if they are closed, I am there tirelessly to remind. My words also awakens passion, fire, and decisiveness. My words are endless, just like you. In an eternal dance, I breathe through you, that is why you live. My presence awakes you when you are asleep. My presence encourages you to dare and let the adventure lead you. ♥

Sometimes it can seem like I hurt others, but that is an impossibility. Other things hurt, but I love, never hurt, I just love. Over and over again. Free from sorrow. Free as the wind. Through me, you can hear your inner being and your core. Through me, you can understand your world around you and forgive without guilt. You can understand why my opposite, fear, becomes helpless. My power understands. My energy overcomes, heals, educates. It is infinitely easy to be in me. So I say, me who knows me. It is in the fear it is hard to live, not in me. Se the bright, see The Love, see me in all your life. Embrace me as I embrace you. Together we are unbeatable winners of life. A life that allows transformation and who are happy to participate. Don’t hide me or forget me. I am the flame you are living of. ♥ ♥ ♥

By: Liselotte Johansson / Lis Sunoya

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