You are unique

Are you being judged for being you?

I admire people who dare to walk their own path and are themselves, in a respectful way. Because I know how much courage it takes sometimes to be that person, and how long process it can be to get there, to be true to who you are. I know.

Why do we tend to fall into patterns or expectations, when in fact what is different, unique or “weird” about us are our strengths and may be that one thing we are here to share with others and experience more of in ourselves. You are not born to be someone else, you are born to be you, and your responsibility towards yourself is to find out who that really is. Think at it like this – you are a limited edition! Be that unique person, in honesty with who you are. People who are supposed to be in your life, when you have chosen YOU, will accept you, care for you or love you for who you are.

A little pier in Västervik on a windy day

When it appears like you are being judged for who you are, the things you do, stand for, or love to do – there are underlying energies behind that. What are not understandable or fit into a certain “norm”, are things that people may fear. So they don’t really judge you if you think of it, they fear what you are or do for some reason, that you dare to be different, and from that feeling – they react. Fear limits the unique personality that we have, and are not allowing space to our given freedom of choice. So if someone not yet has chosen their freedom in life, their own path, you challenge their perception of reality. Only that. It doesn’t mean that you are wrong, or should start to limit yourself or who you are because someone else is not open-minded enough towards you.

The process of not feeling judged by others anymore, is all about learning to love yourself really. To accept. Get to know how amazing your inner strength is, how unique you are, what gifts you have, and what you actually have to give in this world. Be honest about what makes you tick, feeling happy, the interest you have, special peculiarities, and be open to growing into your own power. When you lift your inner spirit, let your soul shine through and choose to discover the true you, you are magnetic! And people who stay or comes into your life when you are in that energy, they will support you. ♥

Keep shining! ♥ // Liselotte

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