Welcome to participate in a distance course for increased harmony, health, higher frequency, and energy development in an exciting time! The layer to our higher consciousnesses is thinning now, we are collectively raising in frequency on earth, and entering a new Golden Era where we will have access to so much more wisdom, knowledge, understanding of life creation, the soul, how to manifest in light, heal, and the possibility to here and now live from the energy of the higher heart. Do you want to be among other sisters and brothers who want to shed skin from the old times into the new, and strengthen this development?
The course is for you who:
– wants to develop spirituality, intuitively, energetically and personally
– wants to learn new techniques to promote the development of a higher vibrational
energy and a brighter life in the new Golden Era
– wish to introduce meditation regularly or feel support to maintain it
– is facing a change in life and wants to strengthen your inner guidance
– want to let go of fears and expand your consciousness
– need a spiritual community in a time of change
This is included in the course:
– daily emails with guidance and good advice on the course’s various topics and to raise your frequency, bring insights and help you clear energy blockages.
– daily channeled high-frequency crystalline distance healing to let go of lower frequencies to more easily integrate the lighter energy of the new golden age. The healing is not set to a certain time each day, the energy moves to you where ever you are and whatever you do.
– three live events with Lis Sunoya via Zoom (two hours/occasion), with live guided meditation, healing and conversation with others.
– own meditation about 30 minutes per day. You do this at a time that suits you. No prior knowledge is required.
– access to a closed Facebook group where you can have exchanges with other attendees.
The 17-day Golden Hearts course begins on —— , and you are most welcome! ♥
Information to join-step by step
- Go through with the payment (Enroll here)
2. Check your email (and spam folder) for a welcome word document.
3. IMPORTANT: Answer the email, so I know that you have read the document, and so I get your email address and name for further communication.
That’s it, you’re enrolled!
After this, you will start to receive emails from the day the course starts. The three live events during the course will be conducted on Zoom. Make sure to download the Zoom app beforehand. Dates for the live events will be announced in the emails.
Contact address if you miss an email along the way: liselotte@sunoya.com
With light, Lis Sunoya